Why You Should Consider a Career in Sales

Economic instability has made finding a job for many, a very difficult task. While discouragement, frustration and heartache enter the lives of many who are out of work, the hard reality is that these individuals are fighting an uphill battle.

Our economy has forever changed and will never be the same. Outsourcing and automatization is indeed the catalysts of this irreversible change. It is important to note that many well-paying traditional careers in the not too distant future will not be viable options anymore. This includes both blue and white collar jobs. Some futurists predict that 2 billion US jobs will be eliminated by the year 2030.

With emerging countries such as India and China offering a well-educated, highly skilled workforce that will work for a fraction of the cost of US employees, many white collar careers days are numbered. In Daniel Pink’s book, “A Whole New Mind Why Right Brainers Will Rule The World”, he states that a salary for an accountant in the USA is $6,000 a month and in the Philippines it is $300 a month!

On the technology side right now as I write, Google is sponsoring a prototype of a car that drives without a human at the steering wheel. It is controlled by satellites and sensors. With the onset of this new technology it is estimated that three million truck drivers could be out of work.

So, it should be clear that a global economy bringing more competition and employees willing to work for less, will force American workers to consider alternative means of making a living. Individuals who once never would have considered a career in sales will now pursue these occupations. A career in sales will become very sought after and coveted, as these jobs can not be outsourced. Also, individuals tend to buy on emotion and that is something that can never be replaced by technology! If you want to survive this new, ultra competitive world that awaits, you must start to prepare now.

This site is designed to be your ultimate guide to help you land a KILLER sales job in the currently competitive market. My goal is to provide real world in-the-trenches advice. Whether you are just out of college or a seasoned sales professional, the ideas and concepts taught to you will make a “Big” difference in your quest to get the job you’ve always wanted.

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One Response to Why You Should Consider a Career in Sales

  1. You’re absolutely right. I’ve noticed that a lot of jobs are getting outsourced to foreign countries these days. A sales job is one that happens to be very difficult to outsource which makes it a good choice in my opinion. It’s hard to beat the impression that a good sales person can make during a face to face meeting.

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